Our Mission
Here To Glorify God
To actively seek out those who are lost
and can’t find their way and offer them Jesus as
the Only Way, the Real Truth, and the Life Giver.
To effectively minister to the total man through the Word of God keeping our focus on God our sustainer of life and letting everyone know how we can live saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled lives in this present world.
To be a beacon of light, in this dark world,
leading our community to a safe haven lighthouse
and upholding standards of Holiness.
To allow God to make us into spiritually growing saints who reach out in the spirit of love to everyone having no respect of person and who will be ready when Jesus returns so we will be able to hear Him say,
” Well Done, Thy Good and Faithful Servants”.

Empowerment For Life
Vision Statement
Embracing & Extending the Teachings of Our Lord
"To be a church that believes in allowing the spirit and anointing of God to dwell among us destroying yokes of bondage so that our brothers and sisters may be recovered and reclaimed; sin sick souls may be saved, delivered, and set free; broken-hearts may be filled with the life altering Holy Ghost; and weak bodies may be healed, made strong naturally and spiritually and for
God To Get All The Glory."

Pastor Reginald Everett
Worship With Us
Pastor Reginald Everett has been inspiring the Empowerment For Life COGIC community since joining our congregation. Considered to be the most distinguished figure in our Church, Pastor Reginald Everett is committed to providing members of the congregation with religious guidance. Contact us submit a request for Pastor Reginald Everett to speak at one of your events! We’ll get back to you with scheduling possibilities as soon as possible.
About Our Church
Committed to Spiritual Enlightenment
Empowerment For Life COGIC is a congregations in the Wynne area. We are a vibrant congregation dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, and cultural needs of the surrounding community. Our Church is deeply rooted in holy words, and our doors are always open to community members who are looking for a place to make a joyful noise to worship. Contact us, or visit us to learn more about how to become a part of our congregation.

Opening Hours
Come Worship with Us!
Sunday School: 10:00am
Sunday Morning Worship: 11:15am
Wednesday Night service & Bible band : 6:30pm
Events Of October

Divine Temple Church Anniversary
October 20, 2019 - 4:00 p.m
@ Divine Temple

Miller’s Temple
Church Anniversary
October 27, 2019 - 3:30 p.m
@ Millers Temple

First Lady
Deborah McFadden
B-day Celebration
October 27,2019-4:00 p.m
@ Zion Temple